COVID Effects in Many Ways

At the risk of sounding selfish in our current time of CoVid19, I am a small time event promoter, who is struggling hard about what to do with my event this year. I try to make a difference anywhere I can, and times like these become much more stressful than you might think.  In addition to being overwhelmed by the daily reports, the suffering, the shear numbers of infection, the healthcare workers on the front lines, and keeping our own families safe and healthy, I am trying to navigate whether or not to proceed as scheduled, or reschedule, or go virtual, or no go at all. 

I change my mind daily and have good reasons on both sides of the argument - keep it on, we all need a good ride and cold beer (socially distanced, of course); stay safe and respectful and start preparing a virtual ride in hopes of offering at least something to folks in this gravel community. 

As promoters and stewards of the community, not only "gravel", but the Vermont communities we live in as well, we want nothing more than to see everyone enjoying the process, the pain, the excitement, the struggles, the camaraderie that a good ole' dirt ride brings.  So let's not change anything!  Given the fact that many, many events are already rescheduled, perhaps going virtual or even DIY, the message couldn't be more clear - please continue to support and ride in any way you can (virtually, DIY, etc...) so we can make it through this rough patch of road and return even bigger and brighter next year.  All hopes and prayers are that we can support you, our communities and continue to be a viable source of funding to the organizations we care so deeply about AND give you one hell of a Gravel Adventure!

Jack Bailey